gtag('config', 'AW-852070201');

Your source for golf course pricing, yardage, tournament listings, a handy map and more.


Click Date, Golf Course, City or State to sort and locate a tournament near you.

Date Format Tournament Type Golf Course City State
6/16/25 Coteau Cattleman Golf Outing Open
Lake Region Golf Course
Arlington SD
6/4/25 Men's Day, 2-Person Alternate/Scramble Open
Lake Region Golf Course
Arlington SD
8/16/25 Lake Poinsett Association Scramble Open
Lake Region Golf Course
Arlington SD
7/26/25 Arlington Athletics/Alumni Open
Lake Region Golf Course
Arlington SD
9/7/25 Ryder Stein, Multi Format 27-Holes Open
Lake Region Golf Course
Arlington SD
5/4/25 1-Person Scramble Open
Lake Region Golf Course
Arlington SD
8/8/25 Hamlin Boosters Golf Tournament Open
Lake Region Golf Course
Arlington SD
5/17/25 Golf + Bags Tournament Open
Sioux Golf & Country Club
Alton IA
7/13/25 Couples Invitational 2-Ball Open
Sioux Golf & Country Club
Alton IA
6/26/25 Ladies 4-Gal Tournament Open
Sioux Golf & Country Club
Alton IA
5/11/25 3-Person Best Shot, 18-Holes Open
Alta Golf & Country Club
Alta IA
6/7/25 4-Person, Best Shot, 18-Holes Open
Alta Golf & Country Club
Alta IA
6/22/25 3-Person Shamble, 18-Holes Open
Alta Golf & Country Club
Alta SD
7/8/25 Ladies 4-Gal Best Shot, 9-Holes Open
Alta Golf & Country Club
Alta IA
7/26/25 Couples, Best Shot, 18-Holes Open
Alta Golf & Country Club
Alta IA
8/10/25 Alta Open, 18-Hole with Championship 9 Open
Alta Golf & Country Club
Alta IA
8/16/25 3-Man, Best Shot, 18-Holes Open
Alta Golf & Country Club
Alta IA
9/9/25 60+ 2-Person, Best Shot Open
Alta Golf & Country Club
Alta IA
9/14/25 Greenskeepers Revenge Open
Alta Golf & Country Club
Alta IA
9/21/25 3 Couple Shamble, 18-Holes Open
Alta Golf & Country Club
Alta IA

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