On a snowy cold day not that long ago, I visited the newly christened SDGA Hall of Fame. It is located in the same building as the Crooked Pint and Holiday Inn on Russell Street in Sioux Falls, South Dakota which also is the headquarters for the SDGA and The First Tee of South Dakota. It is a collection of memorabilia that has been collected over the years including a ball marking device that was used at one of the oldest golf courses in South Dakota, Glenridge Golf Course near Irene, South Dakota.
Coralee Jorgensen, the Executive Director of The First Tee of South Dakota said this dusty and rusty piece of equipment was used to mark a number on members golf balls so they would be able to identify them on the course. It also came with a corresponding chart that displayed what number each member had been assigned.
“It’s great to have a place to be able to showcase South Dakota golf history,” Jorgensen said. A Class of 2015 inductee to the South Dakota Golf Hall of Fame, she is very close to the golf community and is a huge asset in growing the game of golf for the youth of the area.
The SDGA Hall of Fame isn’t just filled with relics from the past, however.
“We are proud to be able to showcase the South Dakota Golf Association Championship trophies here,” said Tom Jansa, Executive Director of South Dakota Golf Association and the SDGA Junior Golf Foundation.
A creative mural wall with a timeline has been created to highlight key events over the course of time that have been pivotal to golf in South Dakota. What you currently see is just the beginning of the Hall of Fame as more will be on display in the future. The entire exhibit overlooks the East Course at Elmwood Golf Course so the next time you are at the Crooked Pint enjoying a pint, take a few minutes to browse the collection of South Dakota golf history. Then, plan to make your own mark on the game of golf!
Derek Soukup
Sioux Links, Editor